I began to see this behaviour with the introduction of ivtv 0.4. I began to notice out of sync frames This appears to be an issue with ivtv 0.4 from what I can tell. If anyone can help pinpoint what version this behviour was introduced that would help track down and fix the issue. Post your findings on the ivtv-devel list.

It appears that the behaviour only appears when encoding at a moderatly low resolution. Perhaps anything less than 720x480.

I see it consistently when encoding at 640x480 using DVD or MPEG-PS and 6000-9000 vbr.

There is a thread on ivtv-devel regarding this issue, the following link also provides a video example and screen shot of what I was seeing.


M Smith wrote:

Using Gentoo and MythTV SVN both updated in October '05 with a PVR250 and standard analog Comast Cable.

OK - I don't know the best way to describe this, but recently (within the past month) I am getting a 'random jump / skip / blip / pixelation /blur / whatever you want to call it' on the bottom half of the screen of my recordings. It lasts less than a second and is only a visual annoyance (you don't really miss anything) and doesn't mess up the sound. It occurs on all stations from what I can tell. I don't watch a lot of live tv, but I haven't seen it so far through that.

I can't figure out what could be causing this. I hadn't made any updates since this started occuring (at least that I can recall, unless this had been occuring since the update and my memory is shoddy).

Any ideas?  Thanks...

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