On Tuesday 06 December 2005 22:27, Michael Tiller wrote:
> Two more options:
> 1. You can also use the MediaMVP device from Hauppauge along with the mvpmc
> software <http://mvpmc.sourceforge.net>.
> 2. You can use an XBox and run XBox Media Center with the MythTV
> plugins<http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=128346>

Don't know if this option was mentioned :

Connect the output of your mythbox to a modulator and feed this back to a coax 
cable if you already have that available through your home to transfer 
video/audio. Buy a remote extender to extend the remote control to the other 
room and control your myth box.
If no cable is available buy a video transmitter which already includes the 
remote extender.

Disadvantages :
1) video is not perfect (lower quality than a direct output).
2) audio is not in dolby digital, just stereo.

Advantage :
cheap and doesn't require another frontend.

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