On 06/12/05, Mat Kyne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I  recently replaced my home theatre reciever with one that has digital
> inputs (old one was  5.1 analog), 2 coax and 1 optical.  Naturally I would
> like to get the best sound from my  HD-MythTV box,  (that might be the
> reason I bought the new reciever but don't tell that to my wife), so I
> removed the SB Live! 5.1 (analog) sound card that i had installed, went into
> the BIOS settings and enabled the onboard soundcard  that has a SPDIF coax
> connector.  When I rebooted, KDE told me that it could not find the sound
> card, So I went under System Settings - Soundcard Detection, and it foud it
> rightaway. Cool. ( I have the line out  from the mother board connected to
> my TV and the Coax connected to my reciever) Sound comes out of the Tv but
> not the reciever. I go into Myth Frontend, and select a HD  recording to
> play, Again sound out of the TV but not the reciever.  I then gointo
> settings and switch between the 3 settings available to me, and when i try
> to play a HD recording Myth informs me that it cannot find the sound card.
> Well at this time i figure that the ALSA mixer has muted the SPDIF connector
> so I  try to open up alsamixer and get the following error message:
> alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or
> directory

As Marius suggested, check out the digital sound howto -
http://mythtv.info/moin.cgi/DigitalSoundHowTo and also the ALSA docs
for your card -

Essentially you need to make sure your .asoundrc and mixer settings
are correct to allow audio to be routed throught the SPDIF output.

I would also remove all references to your old Creative card and the
duplicate reference to another intel8x0 card that appear to be in your
modprobe.conf file.

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