On 05/12/05, Cecil Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've ran into an anomalous issue reorganizing my home entertainment
> system this weekend.  I have a master and a slave backend.
> Unfortunately, my slave cannot connect to the master.  I get a string of:
> 2005-12-04 17:39:48.266 Connecting to master server: :6543
> 2005-12-04 17:39:49.081 Connection to master server timed out.
> in my backend log.  Notice it does not have it IP of my master in the
> above.  The master is configured correctly, I can view records on the
> slave from the master.  I can even use the tuners on the slave to watch
> live tv on the slave.  However, the tuners are listed as not connected
> on the master.  I'm using SVN 8101 currently.  I also tried SVN 8045
> which I had running previously.  I don't think it is an SVN issue,
> rather I'm lost in the forest and now cannot see the trees.  Any
> suggestions?

Some ideas:

On the slave machine search for all files named 'mysql.txt' in .mythtv
directories and check whether any are missing the correct information
for the mythconverg database. You need to check you are connecting to
the master backend's database and not running a second copy of the
database on the slave.

In the database (or running mythtvsetup on the slave) check to ensure
the value for the setting 'BackendServerIP' is set to the correct IP
address for the slave (and that the hostname value is valid) and also
that the MasterServerIP is pointing to the main backend IP (hostname
for this should be NULL).

Lastly, I would try pinging the master backend from the slave to
ensure outbound connections are working and that there are no
firewall-type issues.

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