Answering my own question (Don't you hate that? :)   Appears this is a problem related to the 6000 and 7000 series cards, when using DVI and Xv with texture sync to VBlank ENABLED. Disabling this resolved the problem but leads to tearing. Better than nothing, I guess.


On Wed, 2005-12-07 at 01:02 -0500, Matt Mossholder wrote:
Ok, here's an odd one... I have been building a new diskless HDTV FE/BE lately. I plan on hooking this up to a Panasonic CT-34WX15 HD Tube. After having built it next to my desk, attached to my desktop's monitor, I thought I had everything working fine... HD playback was working, recording OTA was working, etc.   Now, I go to hook it up to my HDTV, and as soon as I tell it to play anything: BOOM. hard crash with a black screen. Nothing is making it into the syslog, so no luck there.

The one thing that I have discovered is that if I playback content with mplayer, it works fine using the -vo x11 option, and crashes exactly the same way using the -vo xv option, again, while attached to the HDTV.

Anyone seen this before?

Help! :)

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