> Re: some atrpms packages for x86_64 actually built for i686?

No, the error messega below sais that the x86_64 version of mythtv
looked under /usr/lib for the x86_64 version of qt.

Unfortunately the only way around this is to remove your i386/i686
version of qt or fix mythtv's paths.

On Tue, Dec 06, 2005 at 11:17:47PM -0500, Mike Schiller wrote:
> I'm having a problem installing the mythtv-suite on an x86_64 machine
> running Fedora 4.
> After adding the atrpms.repo  to my /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory
> according to Jarod's guide, I run:
> yum install mythtv-suite
> Everything appears to install fine.  as a normal user, I launch
> mythfrontend, and am able to configure mythfrontend to access the
> database running on my master back end.  The setup window, exits, then
> the normal mythfrontend screen appears, and immediately disappears.  I
> get the following errors printed to my console:
> Conflict in /usr/lib/qt-3.3/plugins/inputmethods/libqimsw-multi.so:
>   Plugin uses incompatible Qt library!
>   expected build key "x86_64 Linux g++-4.* full-config", got "i686
> Linux g++-4.* full-config".
> Conflict in /usr/lib/qt-3.3/plugins/inputmethods/libqimsw-none.so:
>   Plugin uses incompatible Qt library!
>   expected build key "x86_64 Linux g++-4.* full-config", got "i686
> Linux g++-4.* full-config".
> Conflict in /usr/lib/qt-3.3/plugins/inputmethods/libqsimple.so:
>   Plugin uses incompatible Qt library!
>   expected build key "x86_64 Linux g++-4.* full-config", got "i686
> Linux g++-4.* full-config".
> Conflict in /usr/lib/qt-3.3/plugins/inputmethods/libqxim.so:
>   Plugin uses incompatible Qt library!
>   expected build key "x86_64 Linux g++-4.* full-config", got "i686
> Linux g++-4.* full-config".
> I then uninstall mythdvd (yum remove mythdvd), but still get the error:
> Bus error
> Then, I run:
> yum remove mythgallery
> yum remove mythphone
> yum remove mythmusic
> Now, I'm able to run the frontend and watch live tv, recordings, and
> videos, but can't listen to music, play dvd's, or browse photos.  Does
> anyone know a (preferably RPM) way to get these features back?

Drop all x86_64 rpms and use the i386 ones.
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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