On Tue, 06 Dec 2005 18:59:10 +1000, ffrr wrote:

>Weston, Toby wrote:
>>Hi folks,
>>Probably an obvious question (bit of Linux newbie here I'm afraid) but why
>>would the permissions on my dvb devices reset to allow just root access each
>>time I reboot? Myth can't access them as the 'mythtv' user doesn't have
>>write permission but I change this using chmod... it just can't retain the
>After I got DVB working, the DVB devices (in /dev/dvb/adapter0/*) had no 
>permissions so only root could see them.   The fix was to add
>chmod 666 /dev/dvb/adapter0/*
>to /etc/rc.d/rc.local
>which resets them to something sensible each reboot.

Or go down into /etc/udev/rules.d/ and add   MODE="666"  into the line in
the (whichever).rules file which creates the dvb devices.

R. Geoffrey Newbury                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Barrister and Solicitor                         Telephone: 905-271-9600         
Mississauga,Ontario, Canada              Facsimile:   905-271-1638

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