On 08/12/05, ffrr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ant Daniel wrote:

> On 08/12/05, *Josh Burks* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     On 12/7/05, Shardayyy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > Mine is PVR-500
>     >
>     > 30mins = 1.1 GB
>     >
>     > 1 hour = 2.2 GB
>     Perfectly normal for MPEG2 recordings.
>     Josh
> I tuned mine (PVR 350), no visable loss in signal (but the signal is
> analog from a digi set top box, so is nice and clean)
> 30mins = 764MB
> 1 hour = 1.3 GB
> Think there's still some changes I can make to go lower. Big advantage
> is I can store twice as many recordings then before.
> Ant.
What do you mean by 'tuned'?    If you are recording from a digital
card, the bandwidth, and hence file size, is fixed as no processing is
done.  It's not a matter of cleanliness.

Btw, this is only as I understand things working, and that's only from using Myth & ivtv.

I am recording the analog signal from my digibox (as Sky don't have an offically recognised CAM this is the only way to deal with this, yes I know about Dragon CAM, see 'officially')
So the input to my system is analog PVR-350 (I did mention it), the picture has better quality then terrestrial analog signals (less noise) and hence a cleaner signal.

As the PVR card MPEG encoding has a dependancy on the consistency of data, a cleaner signal will allow for a lower sampling rate while still producing adequate picture quality.

I 'tuned' (ok bad use of words considering frequency tuning) my encoding bitrates and the picture qualtity is as good as (to my human eye) the higher bit rates I was using. (There was a graph that someone found that showed the different bitrates of various media). I believe that I can make further improvements with either bitrates, or capture size, but I have to wait for my widescreen TV to come back from repair so I can see the differences, (the little portable I'm using at the moment just wouldn't show it).

Hope this helps explain my previous post. If I've missunderstood something let me know, as it might help me do an even better job.


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