I'm working through the instructions at www.lircsetup.com in order to get my
MythTV box to be able to use a homebuilt serial transmitter and the receiver
on my PVR-350 at the same time.

Whenever I have the install line for the serial device in modprobe.conf like

install lirc_serial setserial /dev/ttyS0 uart none; /sbin/modprobe
--ignore-install lirc_serial

The serial device seems to work (I can do an irsend and see the LED
flashing). The big problem is however that the IR receiver on the PVR-350
stops working. As soon as I comment out the above line and reboot the 350's
receiver works fine.

The only difference I can see between my setup and that 

Anyone have any idea why there would be a conflict between the two like
this? Any idea how I can track down what is going on?


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