On Dec 8, 2005, at 8:25 PM, korebantic wrote:

The trouble seems to be with using the "-fs" option. No matter what I
scale the output to, the PVR350 overscan still cuts off the subtitles.
Is this just endemic with the PVR350 or am I doing something wrong

The only thing that doesn't cut off the subtitles that I could get to
work was the following:

mplayer -quiet -geometry 32%:50%  -display :0 \
-vf scale=520:-2 -zoom -vo xv /var/video/mythvideo/ Lunar_Bleach_58.avi

However, that leaves me with the window frame and a little clutter
from fluxbox to look at while I watch my videos. Would the expand
option be the correct way to blackout that area?

Yes, expand creates a black window the size you specify and drops your scaled video into at the coordinates you specify (or centers it if you don't specify).

Keith C
mythtv-users mailing list

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