I was originally planning to buy a Mac Mini for this purpose, but I have since become the owner of an original Xbox. I know there are people using their Xboxes as Myth systems also, and I'm wondering how practical this really is. My box is modded, so I presume that I just need to install Linux and Myth, get it on the network, and I should be good to go. But how do I manage playing games also? Is it a simple process to just reboot into game-playing mode? Do I need to have two different BIOSes on my mod chip, one for Linux and one for loading games? Or can I use one of the hacked bootloaders to choose between booting Linux or playing games? Is partitioning my hard drive for the Linux setup as well as game availability going to be a giant hassle? What does one use as a remote control?

I use an XBOX dvd remote.
You can boot into linux using a bootloader from your moded dash.
I use the additional 2 gigs above the 8 for linux and also mount some of the system via NFS.
At one time I used a couple of files on the Fatx partition. Did not effect playing games. (I don't use xbox live)

The Xbox does not use the partition table that linux uses. You can create a Dummy 8 gig partition with linux and just don't put anything in there. Then use the remaining space (if you have it) for anything else.


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