On 12/11/05, Tom Lichti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robert Anderson wrote:


> XBMC is amazing, I can do everything except watch live tv, which
> isn't a big deal, so now I have a useable XBox, the only thing it
> doesn't have is timestretch and commercial skip, but as this is a
> secondary box, I can live with it.

bummer, i didn't think about those features.  commercial skip doesn't
bug me so much cause you can zip through them with FF or little jumps.
 but timestretch, that's one of my favorite features. :)  i love
showing that off to my firends and family that think Tivo is the cat's
meow.  i can watch three episodes of Modern Marvels in the time that
one would normally play.
oh well, my MythBox looks pretty sitting next to my stereo equipment
so maybe i'll keep it as a FE/BE after all. :)
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