I'm wanting to use the Silverstone's BLACK LC11M
(http://silverstonetek.com/products-lc11m.htm) case.  After looking
around, I've decided Silverstone makes the best HT Cases, and the LC11
looks the best out of all of them.  I purchased a motherboard from
MicroCenter that "should" work inside it.  It's an ABIT KV-85
Before I realized it, I had a VIA chipset on my hands, and I've read
some horror stories involving this.  I also relized soon after getting
home, that the board itself has only been available since 12/5/05.  That
makes the board only 2 weeks old.  Before even attempting a Myth Setup,
should I rething this and return the MB back to the store?  Has anybody
used this board with good results?  I'd like to know before I spend more
money on a processor for it.

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