I think it might be beneficial to keep a certain amount of LiveTV when your limit is reached. Suppose I'm watching LiveTV and have 2GB free. I'd much rather delete a program set to auto-expire from months ago to make room for another LiveTV show. If LiveTV keeps x MB and starts forcing older recordings to expire, I can now record the last LiveTV show I watched (or 2 or 3 depending on what I set my LiveTV buffer to) and expire the old shows I watched months ago. It's a lot better than not being able to rewind back the last show you missed because your drive is full and Myth decided to keep some old show from months ago that you had set to auto-expire and start eating up your LiveTV buffer.

I feel that LiveTV is "more important" than old programs, but not recent (unwatched) programs. But I also feel that old LiveTV (more than x amount of time ago) is less important then old programs (suppose someone leaves LiveTV on for days and now all your programs have expired). The only good way to achieve that balance between what LiveTV is "important" and which is not is to have a setting specific to LiveTV buffer and let the users decide how much LiveTV is important to them. Isn't this why it was implemented that way in the first place?

Of course, this is all theoretical. Who watches LiveTV anyway?? ;)

On Dec 15, 2005, at 3:29 PM, Greg Estabrooks wrote:

never knowing how much space is actually free on the disk. This is more
troublesome than the old method because you could always rely on the
upper limit of the ring buffer in the past (This is obviously only

Well you can set a limit on how much space recordings are allowed to take
up..... so how is this different ?

 OLD :

    LiveTV Max Size = BLAH
    Recordings Max Size = BLAH2

    Recordings+LiveTV Max Size = BLAH3

Just set BLAH3 to what you want it to be (or set it to BLAH2 + BLAH). LiveTV items will always get removed first so you are no worse off than before.

Are the live-tv recordings deleted once you leave live-tv or do they
remain until they auto expire?

They auto expire. At they are expired before any regular recordings do
so you wont loose a recording unless all livetv is already gone.

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