According to Dan Dennedy (one of the linux1394 authors), data_rate is a code. 0 means 100Mbps. 1 means 200Mbps. 2 means 400Mbps. If you have it set to 100Mbps in the Mythtv setup, Mythtv will cause this change. I don't have the original email that has this info. You can probably find it in the linux1394 mailing list archives. You can try upping this value in Myth. It might be worth a look at your disk speed, too.


Alex Brekken wrote:

Steve, running the commands you and curtis specified:

plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].channel=63
plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].bcast_connection=1

greatly improves my firewire reliability. However, I still find it almost unusable due to some slowdown/stuttering in the image. (I also have a PVR-250 which works flawlessly) I know it's not my network, so I was very curious to try out the data_rate command you listed above, thinking that it might fix this issue. (plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].data_rate=3)

Running this command and then plugreport shows that the data_rate variable does get set to 3, (before it was zero), HOWEVER, as soon as I begin to record a show or watch live TV, it immediately gets set back to zero. You mentioned that you run this through a cron job every hour, although I'm finding that if I try to set the data_rate back to 3 while something is recording, it immediately freezes and stops recording. Any other tricks or ideas to somehow keep this setting at 3? (or anything greater than zero) On 12/16/05, *David Rudder* < [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Are you sure this isn't a drive-speed issue?  Check hdparm -v
    /dev/<device>.  Also, make sure you have at least a 7200 RPM drive.
    The dct-6200 will send out an mpeg stream.  I think MythTV just copies
    it to disk.  So, there's very little CPU or memory involved.

    You can try running test-mpeg2 (from the libiec61883 package).  It
    outputs the raw mpeg stream from the 6200.  If it gets the same
    corruption you see in myth, then you know it's not a myth issue.
    test-mpeg2 > file.mpg
    wait maybe 30 seconds, then hit ctrl-c.  mplayer file..mpg should
    the file.


    Azmat wrote:

    >I've been using this script in a cron job for the last week, but I'm
    >still seeing glitching.  Its mostly occurring at the start of a show
    >and then clears up in the middle.  Is it possible that I might
    need to
    >use a faster processor or bump up my RAM?  Right now I'm running an
    >Athlon XP 2400+ with 1G of RAM.  Thanks in advance for the help.
    >On 12/9/05, Steve Adeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
    >>there was a thread a while back regarding this. You can search
    on Gossamer for
    >>more info. basically you want to run this bash script. It will
    set the p2p or
    >>broadcast connection to 1 depending on what your machine will
    use. From what
    >>I've found bcast is prefered when available, which is why it
    comes second
    >>(since its one or the other) p2p is sometimes only available and
    when this is
    >>the case its fine. data_rate doesn't need to be 3, but it
    increases speed if
    >>your using firewire for capture and not just channel changing. I
    have it run
    >>before mythbackend starts when I run it via init.d and I've
    found it resets
    >>sometimes so I run it hourly as a cron job.
    >>oh, and the -n # is which node it is. In case you have more than
    one firewire
    >>connection have it run for each connection as well.
    >>plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].channel=63
    >>plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].n_p2p_connections=1
    >>plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].bcast_connection=1
    >>plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].data_rate=3
    >>On Friday 09 December 2005 14:52, Azmat wrote:
    >>>Here's my plugreport output:
    >>>Host Adapter 0
    >>>Node 0 GUID 0x0000d10080357942
    >>>libiec61883 error: error reading oMPR
    >>>libiec61883 error: error reading iMPR
    >>>Node 1 GUID 0x4279358080357942
    >>>libiec61883 error: error reading oMPR
    >>>libiec61883 error: error reading iMPR
    >>>Node 2 GUID 0x000f9ffffe103008
    >>>oMPR n_plugs=1, data_rate=2, bcast_channel=63
    >>>oPCR[0] online=1, bcast_connection=0, n_p2p_connections=0
    >>>        channel=63, data_rate=0, overhead_id=0, payload=376
    >>>iMPR n_plugs=0, data_rate=2
    >>>On 12/9/05, Steve Adeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
    >>>>On Friday 09 December 2005 12:44, Azmat wrote:
    >>>>>My mythtv system is running on an AMD Athlon XP 2400+ (2 GHz)
    with 1G
    >>>>>RAM, a PVR-350 and firewire capture from my Motorola DCT-6200
    >>>>>box.  Whenever I do firewire capture from the box through
    Myth, the
    >>>>>recording exhibits a audio/video glitching.  The picture will
    >>>>>momentarily become pixelated and there will be a brief
    skip.  I can
    >>>>>tell the glitch is in the recording because when I rewind and
    >>>>>it is reproducible.  There is no pattern or regularity to the
    >>>>>glitching.  Sometimes it will be at the start of the show and
    >>>>>disappear in the middle, only to reappear later.  It doesn't
    >>>>>me from recording shows, but is just become a huge annoyance
    that I'd
    >>>>>like to take care of.  Does anyone have any idea what might
    be wrong?
    >>>>>Do you think a faster processor would help?
    >>>>>Thanks in advance,
    >>>>run plugreport and paste the output.
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