sön 2005-12-18 klockan 00:55 +0100 skrev Marius Schrecker:
> > I might suggest that all alsa utilities, alsactl, and everything else is
> > NOT required
> > to use digital out with MythTV.  I'm using MythTV 0.18.1 on Gentoo and I
> > only
> > have the necessary alsa drivers compiled in the kernel. I've never used
> > alsamixer
> > or alsactl, or installed/emerged alsa-utils, alsamixer, aplay, or anything
> > else
> > alsa related. I'm not starting any alsa services during startup. The only
> > thing I did is:
> >
> > Enable alsa support and driver in the kernel.
> > Put .asoundrc in my home directory.
> > Set MythTV as follows:
> >   -Enable AC3
> >   -Device = "ALSA:digital"
> >   -Mixer = "digital"
> >
> > and that's it.  I also have all the other mythplugins working by setting
> > their device
> > to ALSA:digital. Is my setup unique, or are people doing more than need to
> > to get digital audio working?
> >
> The simpler the better. I don't care how little is installed as long as I
> can get digital output, so far no go, everything looks as if it should be
> working, just no sound :(
> I'd love to know how to test spdiff out as simply as possible, if I can
> bypass aplay then so much the better!
> Can I stream a 48KHz file straight to spdiff out?
> Marius
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I have a similar setup as above and just did aplay somesoundfile.wav and
it went out the right way(through spdif into SurroundrReciever) 

A lot of hours compiling an googling felt very worthwhile at that point.
Now if only I could get Xine to output to spdif instead of crashing...

Good luck!

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