Matt Mossholder wrote:
On Mon, 2005-12-19 at 07:53 -0500, Doug Larrick wrote:
Matt Mossholder wrote:
>     Here are a few links to other people experiencing the VBlank
> problem. Basically, if I have VBlank enabled, and play back video
> content with Xv, the system hangs. On further inspection it isn't
> limited to DVI...
> >
> < 

If I'm understanding correctly, if (in nvidia-settings) "X Server XVideo
Settings -> Video Texture Adaptor -> Sync to VBlank" is checked, it
hangs?  Then don't do that!  Instead, to avoid tearing, uncheck that
setting, and make sure MythTV is using OpenGL vsync.  This is the *only*
way to get tearing-free, stutter-free playback out of MythTV, because
it's one of only two video timing methods (the other working only with
ancient nVidia drivers, like 4xxx) that measures when the vertical
retrace happens.


Thanks for pointing out that I am an idiot ;) I had been assuming that the reason that Myth wasn't using opengl-vsync, even though I had compiled in the support, was because of the Sync to Vblank settings in nvidia-settings. Your prompting made me take another look, and realize that the version of 0.18.1 that I have is missing the defines to enable OpenGL VBlank syning. Compiling now... and crossing my fingers :)

Is that a configure option? Wondering if it's on by default in Gentoo's
0.18.1 when compiled with nVidia support.

Jesse Guardiani
Programmer/Sys Admin

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