Lonnie Borntreger wrote:
I was just wondering if there was a MythTV front-end "client" for Linux
that runs in a window, but gives access to all of MythTVs features.  My
daughter is running Linux, doesn't have a TV, and I would like to allow
her to use MythTV in a way that allows her to continue doing other stuff
also.  So, basically, a "windowed" front-end that doesn't take over the
full screen.  Is there anything like that?

In mythfrontend, Setup->Appearance->Screen settings (2nd page).
GUI width and height should be 4:3 like 800x600, 640x480, 480x360
or whatever. If you want 16:9, 800x450, etc. GUI X and Y set the
initial position on the desktop. I have mine in the lower left with
4,544. You can choose to have playback still be full screen or in the
same window as the GUI. "Run the frontend in a window" includes the
normal window frame decoration for your desktop.

--  bjm

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