Because my daughter, who is off at college, complained bitterly about having to constantly swap VHS tapes to record her shows at school, as compared to "Mything" them at home, I threw together a Myth box for her out of spare parts. In the process, I found out a few things that might be useful to someone else in the future, so I'm posting them here for archival purposes.

The only usable capture card I had was an old ATI TV Wonder, which has an MSP3400 chip. In the past I had successfully used that particular card with btaudio on RH9 and with snd_bt87x on FC2. This time, I could not get DMA audio to work with any recent distro. I tried FC4, Ubuntu 5.10, and FC3 with a dist-upgrade. No joy for any of them. I was about to go back to RH9 and btaudio, but I tried installing FC3 again without a dist-upgrade and that worked. So, in short, I was not able to get snd_bt87x to work with any kernel newer than 2.6.9 or so. The symptoms were simple: No /dev/dsp device was created, nor was the capture card recorded in /proc/asound/. But everything is now working fine with the default kernel installed by FC3.

Second, I managed to save myself the headache of finding an IR receiver for lirc. Once upon a time I bought, but never used, a Chicony KB-9820 IR keyboard. Using that, along with a Philips six device Universal Digital DVD Learning Remote (PHDVD6ZL, $20 at Fry's) gave me a usable remote control at a tiny fraction of the effort that was required to get lirc working on my original Myth box. I can't say if that particular keyboard is still available anywhere, but it does work well.

Other than that, I finally discovered a use for Windows Internet Connection Sharing, as her Internet connection is with Airimba wireless who only allow a single connection per account. That was solved with two old NIC's, an ethernet crossover cable, W2K ICS, and a bash script that retries mythfilldatabase until the connection is available.

Of course, daughters being what they are, she was distressed to find out that "her Myth" can only record one program at a time (unlike the home box). Maybe I can pick up another TV Wonder off Ebay...

Hopefully, having this note in the archive will help if someone encounters any of the same problems.
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