Bruce Markey wrote:

The reason that I posted a long message on seriesid is because I don't think there has ever been a posting in the archives
explaining why we decided to not use them (I kind of anticipate
that Mike Dean will post links to that message when someone asks
about seriesids =).

Now we're one step closer to my greatest fear. Soon, Bruce will finish his "mythlistbot" that takes over my job of linking to his previous posts... :(


From Gossamer:

Michael T. Dean
First Post: Apr 6, 2004, 11:21 PM
Posts: 1639 (2.6 per day)
Links to Bruce Markey's Previous Posts: 1439 (2.3 per day)
Off-topic Posts: 200 (0.32 per day)

(I guess this post will change the last line to 201.)

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