I have phpMyAdmin installed, and I used it to browse the database.
Alternatively, you can handle things from the command line. The
following will tell you what password you entered into myth:

$ mysql -u mythtv -pmythtv
mysql> use mythconverg
mysql> select * from videosource;

(Note the semicolon.)
If the password is in error, you can try something like:
mysql> update videosource set password='foobar' where userid='rodney'

(note the single quotes, put real values between them.)

Caveats:  Today's the first time I looked at the mythtv database and I
just learned sql two weeks ago.  You should backup your db before
hacking on it. Also, it's possible something else is up.

On 12/24/05, Rodney D. Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Dec 2005 17:35:55 -0800
> joe byrne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I just happen to be surfing mythconverg and have the videosource table
> > up.  That looks like where zap2it stuff is stored.
> >
> > On 12/24/05, Rodney D. Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Just got my MythTV box from http://www.magicitx.com/
> > >
> > > Unfortunately, I mis-typed my zap2itlabs.com password. the #1 & the
> > > letter l were difficult to tell apart.
> > >
> > > I normally use debian, so knowing where things are under gentoo is
> > > not happening.
> > >
> > > How do I change the zap2itlabs.com? And how/where do I allow my
> > > personal account the ability to use the WebMin functions. It does
> > > not like root (obvious for security) nor my personal account.
> > >
> > > Thanks
> Dumb question. How do I change it?
> I'm getting these errors, which I "assume" are for the bad password;
> Resolving datadirect.webservices.zap2it.com...
> Connecting to datadirect.webservices.zap2it.com[]:80... 
> connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
> Connecting to datadirect.webservices.zap2it.com[]:80... 
> connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
> Authorization failed.
> --18:53:12--  http://datadirect.webservices.zap2it.com/tvlistings/xtvdService
>           => `-'
> Resolving datadirect.webservices.zap2it.com...
> Connecting to datadirect.webservices.zap2it.com[]:80... 
> connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
> Connecting to datadirect.webservices.zap2it.com[]:80... 
> connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
> Authorization failed.
> --18:53:18--  http://datadirect.webservices.zap2it.com/tvlistings/xtvdService
>           => `-'
> Resolving datadirect.webservices.zap2it.com...
> Connecting to datadirect.webservices.zap2it.com[]:80... 
> connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
> Connecting to datadirect.webservices.zap2it.com[]:80... 
> connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
> Authorization failed.
> --
> Rodney D. Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Registered Linux User #96112
> ICQ#:     AIM#:       YAHOO:
> 18002350  mailman452  mailman42_5
> They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a
> little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
>        Ben Franklin - 1759
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