I can't speak for the PVR-500.  But, I just traded out my Plextor for
a PVR-150.  The MPEG4 format was more trouble than it was worth for
me.  I could not get it to play on the xbmcmythtv front end - even
with the patched mplayer.  I also had some performance problems on my
machine because its fairly low end - just didn't have the horses to do
MPEG4 very well.

The Plextor had good driver support from the chipmaker (WIS) through
the DIVX device forums, but all the devices features aren't available
in MythTV.  You're must use MPEG4 although the device can also do
MPEG2.  The Plextor/MythTV integration also did not support changing
the audio/video bitrates very well.

It seems like there are a lot more people using the PVR150/250/500. 
Because of the popularity, you get more of the card's features built
in MythTV and better support from the community.

That was my experience in a nutshell.

- Abre

On 12/28/05, Kevin Kuphal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ray wrote:
> >I've been using Myth for years, first with a Matrox Marvel G200 and later
> >with a generic bt878 card and now I'm planning to upgrade to a newer capture
> >card.  I'd like to be able to add a second capture device later and I only
> >have 1 slot free (actually 2 but I'm planning on a better sound card for the
> >other one) so I think that leaves me with either pvr-500 or a pair of
> >Plextor USB boxs.
> >
> >Any opinions on which of those two is likely to be the most solid/reliable
> >as well as having the best quality.  I know some of the older Haumpage cards
> >are very common here but I've seen mixed reviews of the pvr-500 and pvr-150.
> >Reliability is most important due to WAF but I'm not afraid to fiddle a bit
> >at the beginning.  We tend to keep recordings around for quite a while so
> >I'm leaning toward the Plextor since it uses mpeg4 and I'd likely end up
> >having to transcode most of what comes out of the Haumpage in order to make
> >it all fit.  Also, and I'll likely post a seperate message on this, I'm also
> >going to be adding a better sound card, something with surround sound since
> >we recently bought a HT receiver.  Any opinions on ones that work especially
> >well with Myth (no audio sync issues etc)?
> >
> >
> I have a PVR-150 installed with zero problems (0.4.1 drivers IIRC).  I
> just ordered a PVR-500 to replace my two BTTV cards and I should be
> installing it next week.  I'm not convinced it will be as painless but
> we will see.  I can certainly recommend the 150.
> As for sound, I use a Turtle Beach Riviera with my optical receiver and
> it works great and was simple to set up (just enable the output in
> alsamixer).  It was like $30 at newegg.  I get 5.1 sound with my AC3
> Divx files just fine.
> Kevin
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