Big long output from mythcommflag... notice it's not finding anything.
It also sits there consuming about 100% CPU during the time
immediately after it rejects the edge width and goes to 7. I admit to
using SVN, but I think the problem is far more likely on my end, as
I've been overhauling everything these last few days.

2005-12-29 00:24:40.905 NVP: SetCommBreakIter @ framesPlayed = 14160
2005-12-29 00:24:40.905 NVP: new commBreakIter = 3014772 @ frame 7274611
2005-12-29 00:24:40.911 Analyzing edge data
2005-12-29 00:24:40.914 SetLogoMaskArea()
2005-12-29 00:24:40.919 SetLogoMaskArea()
2005-12-29 00:24:40.921 Testing Logo area: topleft (25,59),
bottomright (589,438)
2005-12-29 00:24:40.921 Rejecting Logo area: topleft (25,59),
bottomright (589,438), pixelsInMask (3505). Not within specified
2005-12-29 00:24:40.921 Trying with edgeDiff == 7
2005-12-29 00:24:40.929 AFD: DoRewind(0, do flush)
2005-12-29 00:24:40.929 Dec: DoRewind(0, do flush)
2005-12-29 00:24:40.930 AFD: SeekReset(4294967281, do flush, do discard)
2005-12-29 00:24:40.930 AFD: SeekReset() flushing
2005-12-29 00:24:40.930 VideoBuffers::DiscardFrames():
2005-12-29 00:24:40.930 VideoBuffers::DiscardFrames():
2005-12-29 00:24:40.999 AFD: HandleGopStart: gopset not set, syncing positionMap
2005-12-29 00:24:40.999 Resyncing position map. posmapStarted = 1
livetv(0) watchingRec(0)
2005-12-29 00:24:40.999 AFD: HandleGopStart: Initial key frame distance: 15.
2005-12-29 00:28:27.287 NVP: ClearAfterSeek()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.287 NVP: SetCommBreakIter @ framesPlayed = 54729
2005-12-29 00:28:27.287 NVP: new commBreakIter = 3014772 @ frame 7274611
2005-12-29 00:28:27.287 NVP: ClearAfterSeek()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.287 NVP: SetCommBreakIter @ framesPlayed = 54729
2005-12-29 00:28:27.287 NVP: new commBreakIter = 3014772 @ frame 7274611
2005-12-29 00:28:27.288 Analyzing edge data
2005-12-29 00:28:27.290 SetLogoMaskArea()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.292 SetLogoMaskArea()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.294 Testing Logo area: topleft (634,474), bottomright (5,5)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.294 Rejecting Logo area: topleft (634,474),
bottomright (5,5), pixelsInMask (0). Not within specified limits.
2005-12-29 00:28:27.294 Trying with edgeDiff == 10
2005-12-29 00:28:27.302 AFD: DoRewind(0, do flush)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.302 Dec: DoRewind(0, do flush)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.332 AFD: SeekReset(4294967281, do flush, do discard)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.332 AFD: SeekReset() flushing
2005-12-29 00:28:27.333 VideoBuffers::DiscardFrames():
2005-12-29 00:28:27.333 VideoBuffers::DiscardFrames():
2005-12-29 00:28:27.333 NVP: ClearAfterSeek()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.333 NVP: SetCommBreakIter @ framesPlayed = 16
2005-12-29 00:28:27.333 NVP: new commBreakIter = 3014772 @ frame 7274611
2005-12-29 00:28:27.333 NVP: ClearAfterSeek()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.333 NVP: SetCommBreakIter @ framesPlayed = 16
2005-12-29 00:28:27.333 NVP: new commBreakIter = 3014772 @ frame 7274611
2005-12-29 00:28:27.414 Analyzing edge data
2005-12-29 00:28:27.416 SetLogoMaskArea()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.417 SetLogoMaskArea()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.419 Testing Logo area: topleft (634,474), bottomright (5,5)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.419 Rejecting Logo area: topleft (634,474),
bottomright (5,5), pixelsInMask (0). Not within specified limits.
2005-12-29 00:28:27.419 Trying with edgeDiff == 15
2005-12-29 00:28:27.427 AFD: DoRewind(0, do flush)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.428 Dec: DoRewind(0, do flush)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.428 AFD: SeekReset(4294967281, do flush, do discard)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.428 AFD: SeekReset() flushing
2005-12-29 00:28:27.428 VideoBuffers::DiscardFrames():
2005-12-29 00:28:27.428 VideoBuffers::DiscardFrames():
2005-12-29 00:28:27.428 NVP: ClearAfterSeek()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.429 NVP: SetCommBreakIter @ framesPlayed = 16
2005-12-29 00:28:27.429 NVP: new commBreakIter = 3014772 @ frame 7274611
2005-12-29 00:28:27.429 NVP: ClearAfterSeek()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.429 NVP: SetCommBreakIter @ framesPlayed = 16
2005-12-29 00:28:27.429 NVP: new commBreakIter = 3014772 @ frame 7274611
2005-12-29 00:28:27.438 Analyzing edge data
2005-12-29 00:28:27.441 SetLogoMaskArea()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.443 SetLogoMaskArea()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.444 Testing Logo area: topleft (634,474), bottomright (5,5)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.445 Rejecting Logo area: topleft (634,474),
bottomright (5,5), pixelsInMask (0). Not within specified limits.
2005-12-29 00:28:27.445 Trying with edgeDiff == 20
2005-12-29 00:28:27.452 AFD: DoRewind(0, do flush)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.453 Dec: DoRewind(0, do flush)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.456 AFD: SeekReset(4294967281, do flush, do discard)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.456 AFD: SeekReset() flushing
2005-12-29 00:28:27.456 VideoBuffers::DiscardFrames():
2005-12-29 00:28:27.456 VideoBuffers::DiscardFrames():
2005-12-29 00:28:27.456 NVP: ClearAfterSeek()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.456 NVP: SetCommBreakIter @ framesPlayed = 16
2005-12-29 00:28:27.456 NVP: new commBreakIter = 3014772 @ frame 7274611
2005-12-29 00:28:27.456 NVP: ClearAfterSeek()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.457 NVP: SetCommBreakIter @ framesPlayed = 16
2005-12-29 00:28:27.457 NVP: new commBreakIter = 3014772 @ frame 7274611
2005-12-29 00:28:27.467 Analyzing edge data
2005-12-29 00:28:27.469 SetLogoMaskArea()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.471 SetLogoMaskArea()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.473 Testing Logo area: topleft (634,474), bottomright (5,5)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.473 Rejecting Logo area: topleft (634,474),
bottomright (5,5), pixelsInMask (0). Not within specified limits.
2005-12-29 00:28:27.473 Trying with edgeDiff == 30
2005-12-29 00:28:27.481 AFD: DoRewind(0, do flush)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.481 Dec: DoRewind(0, do flush)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.483 AFD: SeekReset(4294967281, do flush, do discard)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.483 AFD: SeekReset() flushing
2005-12-29 00:28:27.483 VideoBuffers::DiscardFrames():
2005-12-29 00:28:27.483 VideoBuffers::DiscardFrames():
2005-12-29 00:28:27.483 NVP: ClearAfterSeek()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.483 NVP: SetCommBreakIter @ framesPlayed = 16
2005-12-29 00:28:27.484 NVP: new commBreakIter = 3014772 @ frame 7274611
2005-12-29 00:28:27.484 NVP: ClearAfterSeek()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.484 NVP: SetCommBreakIter @ framesPlayed = 16
2005-12-29 00:28:27.484 NVP: new commBreakIter = 3014772 @ frame 7274611
2005-12-29 00:28:27.494 Analyzing edge data
2005-12-29 00:28:27.496 SetLogoMaskArea()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.498 SetLogoMaskArea()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.499 Testing Logo area: topleft (634,474), bottomright (5,5)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.500 Rejecting Logo area: topleft (634,474),
bottomright (5,5), pixelsInMask (0). Not within specified limits.
2005-12-29 00:28:27.500 Trying with edgeDiff == 40
2005-12-29 00:28:27.508 AFD: DoRewind(0, do flush)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.508 Dec: DoRewind(0, do flush)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.508 AFD: SeekReset(4294967281, do flush, do discard)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.509 AFD: SeekReset() flushing
2005-12-29 00:28:27.509 VideoBuffers::DiscardFrames():
2005-12-29 00:28:27.509 VideoBuffers::DiscardFrames():
2005-12-29 00:28:27.509 NVP: ClearAfterSeek()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.509 NVP: SetCommBreakIter @ framesPlayed = 16
2005-12-29 00:28:27.509 NVP: new commBreakIter = 3014772 @ frame 7274611
2005-12-29 00:28:27.509 NVP: ClearAfterSeek()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.509 NVP: SetCommBreakIter @ framesPlayed = 16
2005-12-29 00:28:27.509 NVP: new commBreakIter = 3014772 @ frame 7274611
2005-12-29 00:28:27.519 Analyzing edge data
2005-12-29 00:28:27.521 SetLogoMaskArea()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.523 SetLogoMaskArea()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.525 Testing Logo area: topleft (634,474), bottomright (5,5)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.525 Rejecting Logo area: topleft (634,474),
bottomright (5,5), pixelsInMask (0). Not within specified limits.
2005-12-29 00:28:27.525 Trying with edgeDiff == 50
2005-12-29 00:28:27.533 AFD: DoRewind(0, do flush)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.533 Dec: DoRewind(0, do flush)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.533 AFD: SeekReset(4294967281, do flush, do discard)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.533 AFD: SeekReset() flushing
2005-12-29 00:28:27.534 VideoBuffers::DiscardFrames():
2005-12-29 00:28:27.534 VideoBuffers::DiscardFrames():
2005-12-29 00:28:27.534 NVP: ClearAfterSeek()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.534 NVP: SetCommBreakIter @ framesPlayed = 16
2005-12-29 00:28:27.534 NVP: new commBreakIter = 3014772 @ frame 7274611
2005-12-29 00:28:27.534 NVP: ClearAfterSeek()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.534 NVP: SetCommBreakIter @ framesPlayed = 16
2005-12-29 00:28:27.534 NVP: new commBreakIter = 3014772 @ frame 7274611
2005-12-29 00:28:27.544 Analyzing edge data
2005-12-29 00:28:27.546 SetLogoMaskArea()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.548 SetLogoMaskArea()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.550 Testing Logo area: topleft (634,474), bottomright (5,5)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.550 Rejecting Logo area: topleft (634,474),
bottomright (5,5), pixelsInMask (0). Not within specified limits.
2005-12-29 00:28:27.550 Trying with edgeDiff == 60
2005-12-29 00:28:27.558 AFD: DoRewind(0, do flush)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.558 Dec: DoRewind(0, do flush)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.558 AFD: SeekReset(4294967281, do flush, do discard)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.559 AFD: SeekReset() flushing
2005-12-29 00:28:27.559 VideoBuffers::DiscardFrames():
2005-12-29 00:28:27.559 VideoBuffers::DiscardFrames():
2005-12-29 00:28:27.559 NVP: ClearAfterSeek()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.559 NVP: SetCommBreakIter @ framesPlayed = 16
2005-12-29 00:28:27.559 NVP: new commBreakIter = 3014772 @ frame 7274611
2005-12-29 00:28:27.559 NVP: ClearAfterSeek()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.559 NVP: SetCommBreakIter @ framesPlayed = 16
2005-12-29 00:28:27.559 NVP: new commBreakIter = 3014772 @ frame 7274611
2005-12-29 00:28:27.569 Analyzing edge data
2005-12-29 00:28:27.571 SetLogoMaskArea()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.573 SetLogoMaskArea()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.574 Testing Logo area: topleft (634,474), bottomright (5,5)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.575 Rejecting Logo area: topleft (634,474),
bottomright (5,5), pixelsInMask (0). Not within specified limits.
2005-12-29 00:28:27.576 No suitable logo area found.
2005-12-29 00:28:27.576 AFD: DoRewind(0, do flush)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.576 Dec: DoRewind(0, do flush)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.576 AFD: SeekReset(4294967281, do flush, do discard)
2005-12-29 00:28:27.576 AFD: SeekReset() flushing
2005-12-29 00:28:27.576 VideoBuffers::DiscardFrames():
2005-12-29 00:28:27.576 VideoBuffers::DiscardFrames():
2005-12-29 00:28:27.576 NVP: ClearAfterSeek()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.577 NVP: SetCommBreakIter @ framesPlayed = 16
2005-12-29 00:28:27.577 NVP: new commBreakIter = 3014772 @ frame 7274611
2005-12-29 00:28:27.577 NVP: ClearAfterSeek()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.577 NVP: SetCommBreakIter @ framesPlayed = 16
2005-12-29 00:28:27.577 NVP: new commBreakIter = 3014772 @ frame
7274611                                              2005-12-29
00:28:27.588 MSqlQuery: SELECT cmds FROM jobqueue WHERE id = 56;
  0%/      2005-12-29 00:28:27.620 CommDetect::SetVideoParams called
with aspect = 1.33333
2005-12-29 00:28:27.620 MSqlQuery: SELECT cmds FROM jobqueue WHERE id
= 56;                                                 2005-12-29
00:28:27.621 CommDetect::GetCommBreakMap()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.621 CommDetect::CleanupFrameInfo()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.621 CommDetect::BuildAllMethodsCommList()
2005-12-29 00:28:27.621 Initial Block pass
2005-12-29 00:28:27.621 Block StTime StFrm  EndFrm Frames Secs    Bf 
Lg Cnt RT Cnt SC Cnt SC Rt FmtMch AspMch Score
2005-12-29 00:28:27.621 ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ---
------ ------ ------ ----- ------ ------ -----
2005-12-29 00:28:27.621     0   0:00      0      1      2    0.07   0 
    0      0      0  0.00      0      0     0
2005-12-29 00:28:27.622   NOW   0:00      0      1      2    0.07   0 
    0      0      0  0.00      0      0     0
2005-12-29 00:28:27.622 ============================================
2005-12-29 00:28:27.622 Second Block pass
2005-12-29 00:28:27.622 Block StTime StFrm  EndFrm Frames Secs    Bf 
Lg Cnt RT Cnt SC Cnt SC Rt FmtMch AspMch Score
2005-12-29 00:28:27.622 ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ---
------ ------ ------ ----- ------ ------ -----
2005-12-29 00:28:27.622     0   0:00      0      1      2    0.07   0 
    0      0      0  0.00      0      0     0
2005-12-29 00:28:27.622   NOW   0:00      0      1      2    0.07   0 
    0      0      0  0.00      0      0     0
2005-12-29 00:28:27.622 ============================================
2005-12-29 00:28:27.622 FINAL Block stats
2005-12-29 00:28:27.623 Block StTime StFrm  EndFrm Frames Secs    Bf 
Lg Cnt RT Cnt SC Cnt SC Rt FmtMch AspMch Score
2005-12-29 00:28:27.623 ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ---
------ ------ ------ ----- ------ ------ -----
2005-12-29 00:28:27.623     0   0:00      0      1      2    0.07   0 
    0      0      0  0.00      0      0     0
2005-12-29 00:28:27.623 Final Commercial Break Map
2005-12-29 00:28:27.713 MSqlQuery: DELETE FROM recordedmarkup WHERE
chanid = '1047' AND STARTTIME = '2005-12-21T22:30:00' AND type = -3 ;
2005-12-29 00:28:27.713 MSqlQuery: SELECT starttime FROM recorded
WHERE chanid = '1047' AND starttime = '2005-12-21T22:30:00' ;
2005-12-29 00:28:27.714 MSqlQuery: INSERT INTO recordedmarkup (chanid,
starttime, mark, type) VALUES ( '1047' , '2005-12-21T22:30:00' , '0' ,
-3 );
2005-12-29 00:28:27.729 MSqlQuery: DELETE FROM recordedmarkup WHERE
chanid = '1047' AND STARTTIME = '2005-12-21T22:30:00' AND type = 4 ;
2005-12-29 00:28:27.744 MSqlQuery: DELETE FROM recordedmarkup WHERE
chanid = '1047' AND STARTTIME = '2005-12-21T22:30:00' AND type = 5 ;
2005-12-29 00:28:27.744 MSqlQuery: SELECT starttime FROM recorded
WHERE chanid = '1047' AND starttime = '2005-12-21T22:30:00' ;
2005-12-29 00:28:27.745 MSqlQuery: UPDATE recorded SET commflagged = 1
WHERE chanid = '1047' AND starttime = '2005-12-21T22:30:00' ;
2005-12-29 00:28:27.746 MSqlQuery: UPDATE jobqueue SET status = 272,
comment = 'Finished, 0 break(s) found.' WHERE id = 56;
2005-12-29 00:28:27.747 MSqlQuery: DELETE FROM inuseprograms WHERE
chanid = '1047' AND starttime = '2005-12-21T22:30:00' AND hostname =
'mythbe01' AND recusage = 'flagger' ;
2005-12-29 00:28:27.747 write ->  9 33      MESSAGE[]:[]RECORDING_LIST_CHANGE
2005-12-29 00:28:27.753 read  <-  9 2       OK
2005-12-29 00:28:27.754 ~VideoOutputNull()

Finished commercial break flagging at Thu Dec 29 00:28:27 2005
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