I'm looking for recommendations on an add-on VFD or LCD display for my
MythTV box. Most of the relevant threads I've looked at deal with
cases with built-in displays, unfortunately. My criteria:

* Fits into a 5.25" drive bay.
* Readable 8' away in the dark.
* As many lines and columns as is practical while complying with the
  previous two criteria.
* Prebuilt; I don't want to have to solder.
* Cheap as possible.
* Usable hard buttons and status lights (a red light to indicate that
  a recording is occurring, for example) would be nice, but not

Suggestions? I've seen the Crystalfontz and Matrix Orbital displays,
but it's hard to tell online how readable they are.

Yeechang Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | +1 650 776 7763 | San Francisco CA US
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