On Thursday 29 December 2005 21:22, Buechler, Mark R wrote:
> Please see my original post. Basically, my recordings directory is a huge
> raid5 array which when syncing can't be used to record. That I can get
> past. Now now I have the added problem of also not being able to watch TV
> until the sync is finished. Also, my recordings raid5 can't handle the
> bandwidth required for an HD stream (DVB).
> - Mark.

Why not use your existing Live TV buffer RAID0 set as your recordings drive 
and your RAID5 set for archiving the recordings you want to keep, using the 
perl script to move them when your not recording anything (or are recording 
only a few things that the raid0 array can handle).

Then get a large UPS so you never lose power without being able to shutdown 
first, if the power outage is for that long a period of time? (I assume a 
proper shutdown negates the need for RAID5 to resync upon reboot?)

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