wvl wrote:

So with the help of the v4l mailinglist I got sound in tvtime by using
sox to send everything from /dev/dsp2 (tvcard sound device) to
/dev/dsp (regular soundcard).

But now I need mythtv to record the sound instead. Usually you'd
attach the line-in of your soundcard to the sound output of your
tvcard, but this card shouldn't need that (I think...). Nevertheless I
tried using a cable to connect the two, but however I configured the
devices using kmix (soundcard: line-in muted, but on record. tvtuner
sound device: no idea. tried a few things like enabling record on
everything and raising the volume to max) it never worked.

So does anyone have experience with a simliar setup? I'm sure my
configuration should be no different to anyone else with one of these
cards that expose their sound via a second sound device instead of the
usual connect and record.

Forgive me if I'm stating the obvious, but if you've already got the TV sound coming out of dsp2, shouldn't all you need do is specify dsp2 as the audio source for that card in mythtv-setup? In my limited experience with btaudio and snd-bt87x, getting to the point of having a functional /dev/dsp device was 99% of the work. IIRC, the only thing left to do after that point was to select the right dsp device in myth setup and make sure that device wasn't muted.
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