Title: Message
Having been a hardware (mainly HP/Compaq wintel servers) for quite a few years now, I've come accross this quite a bit. Whilst keeping the inside of your systems is important with the use of appropriate filters etc, you must be very careful when using compressed air and little hoover-type devices. Moving lots of debris and accumulated dust around the inside of a system can generate static which may well discharge when your compressed air/hoover moves the debris over things like DIMMS and voltage regulators - which will obviously damage your system. It's best to install the filters or generate a high air-pressure environment inside your system case from the word 'go'. Cleaning out a system 'just because' using hoovers and air could land you in more trouble than its worth.
Another thing to keep in mind. If you are going to be pulling your cards and memory sticks or unplugging the power supply you NEED to be at a anti-static workstation working with a ground strap connecting the equipment to ground and you to the equipment. Yes you can get away with it most of the time but now that its winter there is a good chance that you will do damage to your system thru static. You might not see it for a few weeks but this is the leading cause of delayed death in electronics. Its quite easy to make your own, a google will show you how.
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