Jim Duda wrote:

Does anyone have any ideas which might explain the flicker? I realize that "flicker" is hard to describe.

When you say flicker, do you mean the playback stutters or pauses?

The playback doesn't stutter or pause. What I see are white lines shooting across the image. The lines are broken up. Best I can describe it as small white checker boxes randomly shooting across the screen. You can see the image clearly, the white checkerboxes are just very distracting. It's almost like what one would call "static" on an analog TV signal.

What resolution are you recording at? I found since ivtv 3.8 when recording at 640x480 I would occasionally see a mangled frame.

There are links to an example mpeg and screen capture here:


I strictly use 720x480 and have not seen any mangled frames since. I am currently running ivtv 4.0, I have not upgraded to 4.1 to see if there is any change.

Hmm, does this describe the behaviour you're seeing?

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