On Jan 2, 2006, at 2:31 PM, Matt Hannan wrote:

My setup has the Mini in the living room.
I am trying to get it to the point where I do not have to leave Myth in order to listen to music. There currently is, to the best of my knowledge, no plugin for music in MythTV for OSX. This is one of the reasons why I loaded FC4, so I can get full MythTV support.

I have been using MythTV since the early days, but always on x86 hardware. The last time I had MythTV-x86 running in the living room, MythMusic was the most used plugin.
I have no doubt that this will be any different now.

I am trying to get the living room friendly Mini to play nice with MythTV.
This is the machines primary function.


Still not sure what you meant by "[iTunes]... will not let me do what I want it to do."

That aside, my solution would have been to get MythMusic working under OS X. :) I don't think people have ventured into making this work because most people would rather just run iTunes - that's why I never bothered, anyway.

I agree that the mini makes a VERY nice (small, quiet, stylish, nice price point) machine to sit in your living room.

Now onto the hopefully helpful part:
Do you have /dev/adsp? If so, try that as your audio device instead of /dev/dsp for MythMusic.

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