> On Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 12:14:46AM -0700, John P Poet wrote:
> > Some people claim that enabling OpenGL causes their machine to
> > lock up.  I seem to remember Daniel Kristjansson committing some
> > fixes to svn which *might* help with that.  I have never
> > personally had that problem, so don't know.
> I hope that's not the case for me.  I got OpenGL working just now,
> if only briefly (I didn't have time to watch any TV this morning!).

Pretty sure the lock-up is almost immediate, so you should be in good shape.

> > Been so long since I ran .18 that I don't remember if there was a
> > checkbox back then.  I see that you have opengl in your build
> > configs, so that might be good enough -- Based on your logs below,
> > it is.
> Yup, I agree...
> > Ouch!  If I understand things correctly, "USleep with busy wait"
> > is the *Worst* option.  If you cannot get OpenGL working, at least
> > try to get RTC working -- it is almost as good as OpenGL.
> For future reference, do you know how to manually tell myth what
> video sync method to use?  E.g., if, after more testing, I find that
> OpenGL locks up, how would I specify RTC?  (I'm assuming that means
> Real Time Clock?)

Yeah, Real Time  Clock.  Myth starts with the best sync method, and
falls back to subsequently worse methods until it finds one which

If you look at your log, it tried to use RTC but failed.  Sorry, but I
can't help you with why -- I don't believe I have had to track down
that error message.

> Or is that set in the config option you mentioned earlier (i.e. the
> one that doesn't show in my version)?
> > I am guessing that the GLX module did not get installed.  Or, it
> > is the wrong version.
> Another bonehead move on my part.  Basically, I had the xorg opengl
> implementation AND the nvidia opengl implementation installed on my
> box.  There is a gentoo utility that allows you to switch between
> one or the other.  I forgot to run the utility (although I *thought*
> portage would do that automatically when I installed nvidia-glx, but
> I digress).
> > I used to use a 440MX, and it worked Okay.  My 5700LE works
> > noticeably better, for HD playback, however.
> I'll keep that in mind, as I'll be working on HD in the
> not-too-distant future.
> > Don't give up.  HighDef is a glorious thing, once you achieve it!
> Thank you for all your help!  Like I said above, it's working with
> OpenGL video sync now, and the picture and audio was smooth.
> Assuming it will run like that indefinately, without locking up, I'd
> say I'm good to go!
> Anyway, thanks again---much appreciated!
> Matt

Your welcome.

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