That would be great!

I tried downloading the src from the main dev trunk on the page, but apparently the link seems to be giving some error.

Can you send me the src.



On 1/4/06, Chris Pinkham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for prompt response.
> Do you know of any other way or tool to detect commercials in a mpeg file ?

You can try comskip, it started as a C port of the commercial detection that
I wrote in Myth.   A couple Windows users ported it to C a year or two ago
and have been working on their own enhancements to it.  I emailed them a
patch to get it compiling under Linux and I think they put it in their
SVN.  It generates a text file like you are looking for.  I'm not sure
of the status of the project, I haven't looked it up in quite a while,
but here is a wiki page on it with links to the SVN repository.

If you can't get theirs working, I can email you a copy of the source I
have from them which does compile under Linux, but I can't say I was too
impressed with their output.  You might have more luck creating a fake
'recorded' table entry for your files and then just running them
through mythcommflag and have mythcommflag print out the skip list or
just run a select against the recordedmarkup table afterwards to get the


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