Byron Poland wrote:

On 1/3/06, Steve Adeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So I've got three sources from the same cable company, am I doomed to have to
have 3 logins?

1: HD Digital Cablebox via Firewire
2: SD Digital Cablebox via PVR-150
3: pcHDTV HD3000 cia QAM

all from Comcast. Now, each source requires its own specific channel lineup
and all three require a "Digital Cable" lineup to be selected.

The easiest would be to setup 1 zap2it source for all three and somehow tell
Myth which tuner gets what channels. But I don't think this is possible.
See if you can pick a neighboring zip code that has the same services.
I seem to remember doing this to try and circumvent some multiple
lineup issues, I don't remember my exact issues they could of been
related to OTA stuff.
I think you only need 2 different lineups at zap2it.
I have ONE logon at zap2it and TWO different lineups. One lineup is just 'Cable'. The other is 'Digital'.
Your PVR150 card will use the 'Cable' source.
Your Digital channels should be handled by the Myth database.
You may be able to use the 'other zip-code' trick, but I think that that will fail unless you set up a different login. (I haven't tested but I thought that Myth could handle a different login for an alternate source. The problem is the zap2it end: one login allows only one lineup of each type, cable, digital, or broadcast.)

You should be able to get all of the digital channels working properly from the one digital lineup. To get QAM working you have to set up the dtv_mulitplex table and then enter the channel PID (as the serviceid) in the channel database. Search gossamer threads for a topic heading starting with "Sweet! PC HD..." for links on how to get that done.

When you select a show, Myth uses the database and searchs to find the channel, and parses out the hardware source (and serviceid to give to the hardware) and the frequency in order to tune the proper piece of hardware. In this case the source will be either #1 or #3, and it will always internally 'tune' to the fixed channel while outputting an IR change-channel signal to the cablebox for any channel mapped to #1. At least that's how it appears it should work. And people have reported here that the two parts of this do work separately. In fact, I'm doing the 'source #3' part of that now with my PVR500 and HD3000. Your setup is different only in using the 'same' digital source for different tuners depending on the channel, but it should work.

You have an advantage in that you can use the cablebox to discover the PIDs for all of the digital channels, so it will be a little easier for you to set up the HD3000 card's database entries. You may want to get phpMyAdmin running on your box, as this requires some mysql database bit-bashing which is a lot easier to do with a hand holding gui.


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