On Thursday 05 January 2006 16:00, Yeechang Lee wrote:
> > Based on the information I read here:
> >    http://www.datapro.net/techinfo/dvi_info.html#Page03
> > I don't think a dual-link cable would do you any good, as the monitor can
> > d= isplay a maximum resolution of 1920x1080.
> Yes, but that Webpage is almost certainly assuming 1080i on the part
> of the reader. I figure that if my card can do 1080p, and the monitor
> can do 1080p (and, of course, all LCD panels are by definition
> progressive devices, whether or not the input signal is such), so I'd
> want the connection in between to be able to handle 1080p. Based on my
> reading of Xorg.log my cable doesn't seem to qualify.

from my quick google search it appears that single-link 1080p DVI cables 
exist, which would lead me to assume that single link is capable of 1080p 
signal transmission.

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