On Thursday 05 January 2006 18:54, Justin Hornsby wrote:
> I tested that screen and it looks fine on my system.  Maybe your font
> size is too big.

its rather small actually. I only have a 32" tv and if I make the font any 
smaller it will compromise being able to read the text from the couch. 
DPI=100 as well...

> > 4) The Program Details screen for TV doesn't expand to the full width, it
> > takes up about 3/5 of the screen top left justified. While I don't mind
> > the 3/5 width, having it center justified and full height makes more
> > visual sense to me.
> Point taken.

I saw this again in a few other areas, System Information is one of them iirc.

> > 5) In the options area, (for example, I'm in TV>Playback right now), it
> > takes a while to refresh the screen when you click next.
> Nothing to do with the theme, AFAIK

hrmm, could be my dieing hd. though it didn't pop up until the theme change. 
I'll ignore it until I get a new master drive...

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