All apologies to Matt, who started this thread.  The "communist"  comment was  supposed to be directed at Mike, who directed the trollish comments at me earlier.

On 1/6/06, Chris Ribe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm personally interested in his success with MythTV, Mac Mini and
Linux. If I find out that that it works well for him, I might be in the
same boat and want to go buy one too. I could care less about OSX or any
of the applications designed to run on OSX. If I get one it'll be
running linux with mythtv and nothing else. But not to be too frank
about it, I've used iTunes... I personally think its inadequate and
quirky as a media management tool. The purpose for iTunes, above all
else, is for you to buy music from Apple and make Apple stock go up.
Everything else is just icing. If I were to use something like iTunes as
a media management tool for a desktop (which again, has little to do
with mythtv...) I'd be more inclined to use something that doesn't run
so badly with the size of my library much like mediamonkey. But I have
to ask, why should a mythtv list even care what I think about tools like


I don't know if you are aware of this, Mike, but there is a working frontend available for OS X.  Apparently there isn't one available for FC4 on the Mac Mini. 

If one was going to use a Mac Mini as a dedicated frontend, OS X would seem to be the obvious choice for the operating system (I understand that Matt is using Fedora for other reasons).  Not only is it the only operating system anybody has gotten Myth working under on that platform, but it is included in the price of the machine. 

Given that OS X is a perfectly reasonable choice of operating system for a Mac Mini myth box, and absent a religious devotion to Linux, one might consider using iTunes for music, don't you think? 

I can certainly empathize with Matt's plight.  I recently went through a similar experience, except in my case, it was MythMusic that I found execrable and iTunes that I wanted to be using, and I had to jump through hoops to get Windows working on a box which had previously been a KnoppMyth frontend. 

I like iTunes, but don't harbor any delusions that it is the end all and be all of music library software.  I have an iPod though,  which enhances iTunes value in my eyes.  I find that the $.99 transactions which enhance Apple's stock price, as you say, provide me with at least $.99 worth of enloyment, so I make them willingly.

Believe it or not, Matt, some people use Linux because they think it is good software, not just because they are communists.


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