Pekka Jääskeläinen wrote:

On 1/5/06, David Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This problem is most noticeable after playing a video in Xine (for me
This problem is not connected to Xine fully (although I know the long-standing
focus bug of Xine which is also very annoying). I've experienced this
randomly since I started using MythTV (around 1-2 years ago).
Right. It can happen with any external (non-Myth) application that creates a window.

Now I also get this problem in my dedicated MythFrontend box which hasn't
any window manager running at all - I just start MythFrontend as the
first client
in the X server.

This is quite an annoying problem, I'll try to debug it somehow (by attaching to
the mythfrontend process with gdb) when it occurs again.
Hmmm. So you're saying you have focus problems when you're not using a Window Manager (one purpose of which is to manage window focus). That is annoying. ;)

(I highly recommend you use a window manager...)

There's also even more annoying problem with the dedicated box:
when I get 'back' from the recordings menu (try to get to the main
menu) the whole mythfrontend disappears sometimes. I get the classic X server
background with mouse cursor centered in it, and there's no way out of
the state without remotely restarting mythfrontend or reseting the box (I don't
have keyboard nor mouse connected to the box).
Sounds like mythfrontend is segfaulting (and, depending on your configuration, may not be cleaned up properly, so X doesn't realize it's done).

This problem might have something to do with the problem in topic, or
not, as I'm not sure
if the "mythfrontend" just gets "minimized/totally out of focus"
somehow. Sounds pretty
far-fetched though.
Very unlikely (especially since without a WM, there is no concept of minimization).

I'm not running the latest SVN, though, but a revision from around June '05.

This may have been during a period where the segfault after exiting a recording was common. It's still possible now, but much less common.

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