Chris Lynch wrote:

On 1/7/06, *Mike* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Mudit Wahal wrote:

    >Its channel_subchannel if you are viewing OTA stuff.
    >Instead of watching liveTV, try recording an OTA HD channel from
    the program.
    >Also try this in mysql
    >use mythconverg;
    >update cardinput set startchan="2_1";
    >(or whatever is your starting lineup in HD OTA list)

    Also, make sure you have the hd-3000 setup as a dvb device and not a
    hd-3000. If your channel scan doesn't go through and merge the
    from the transports to the zap2it list. You'll have to manually set it
    up in mysql.

    Read the 4th post down

I have HD video in Myth and it's sweet looking! Thanks to everyone. Although, of course...

I have no sound :( Do I have to run a cable from the back of the HD-3000 or is it embedded in the stream and something else is wrong? Sometimes it cackles when I switch channels, but other than that nothing. My PVR-250 and 500 both have audio going just fine though. Is there some special config I have to do to get the audio out from the board?

I am running audio out over SPDIF to an older SBLive - is it possible my sound card is too crappy? I see a lot of pre-buffering audio messages on the frontend.

Thanks again,


You shouldn't need a cable, it should be embedded. When you cat the dvr0 device do you get sound with mplayer?

Its possible that your somehow attached/tuned to the wrong audio stream. You have both a audio and a video pid that you need to connect to. You can see those streams when you use dvbtraffic from dvb-apps after you've just tuned to the channel frequency. I had to go out and manually put them together on a frequency where I recieved 3 channels here in phx.

When you look at that channels.conf you should see the 2 numbers at the end. Thats the decimal value of video:audio. So if you convert those to hex you should see what stream it is connected to.from dvbtraffic. You should sort of know which ones are the video and which ones are the audio by the bandwidth. Usually you'll have something with a lot of bandwidth and thats the video, and after that you have soemthing with less bandwidth and thats audio. But that isn't always the case. I had to manually pull them apart until I matched it up in mythtv. But you shouldn't have to do any of this with OTA...... Normally it just scans them and gets it right I think. But I get crappy signal to our towers out here so I hanv't really had the chance to do it the 'easy way'.

On your tv playback option... Turn on extra audio buffering on the first screen. I think that might get rid of your crackling.

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