On 1/8/06, Blammo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 1/7/06, David Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello everyone,
>  I am quite perplexed! Every problem I have ever encountered with
> MythTV has been happily solved (and quickly too!) with this forums
> help.
> My current problem seems to be different! This will mark the third
> time I am asking, and I have yet to receive a response. I'm wondering
> if this is the dark secret of mythtv, if I am the only one
> experiencing it, or if people are as clueless as to how to solve it as
> I am!

As I have found (and has Jarod/others) there's a nasty couple of bugs
when you combine SWRaid/XFS/NFS together.

I fought the combo for almost 2 years before buying a HW Raid card
(3ware 9500s) and it was the best money I EVER spent. instant

Or just use JFS instead of XFS.

My greatest fear with the hardware raid is what would happen to it if something failes in the system itself. If my PC with softRAID dies, I can connect the disks to any Linux PC and it will recognize the RAID. At least as long as the distribution is similar enough, although I once moved a RAID from FC1 with 2.4 kernel to Knoppix with 2.6 kernel and it was detected with no problems. If that hardware controller goes, what would you need to get your RAID back? Identical controller will work, sure. Will the latest controller work, say, after 2 years? And if it does not, what can you do?

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