Robin Gilks píše v Po 09. 01. 2006 v 15:33 +1300:
> Greetings
> Does someone have an example ratpoisonrc file they could post that sets
> default focus options etc correctly for mythtv/mplayer/xine frontend?

I've been suffering from the focus problem after running xine as well
but then someone posted here a gossamer link to an older thread that
mentioned a simple fix in xine-ui source code. I checked current xine
CVS and found out that xine-ui 0.99.4 does have the fix in so basically
all you need is to install xine-ui 0.99.4.

There is no deb yet but since Siggi included the debian subfolder in the
source tar.gz of xine it's very easy to build your own deb: "fakeroot
debian/rules binary". It's misversioned (0.99.3-2) but it works OK.


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