I don't think there is a multithreaded RPM for Fedora.  Don't see anything on the updates sites and the spec file for qt-MySQL mentions threading support.

I have the same issue basically (qt3.3, mysql4.1, AMD64 bit playing nicely).  Even recompiled qt against mysql-4.1.16 as both a mysql plugin and with mysql support directly into QT.  (QT configure'd as:   ./configure -platform linux-g++-64 -I/usr/include/mysql -thread -[plugin|qt]-sql-mysql -L/usr/lib -L/usr/lib64 -L/usr/lib64/mysql -L/usr/lib64/nvidia-graphics-1.0-8178 -L/usr/X11R6/lib64 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -prefix /usr/lib64/qt-3.3, which compiled and installed fine)

Neither had any success.  Get the same output as Brian when running mythtv-setup no matter what I do.  Strace just segfaults right before the "QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL3 driver not loaded" (while mythtv-setup continues running and complaining).


On 1/9/06, Piers Kittel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I *think* you need the MT (multithread) version of the qt-mysql driver -
I know this is from a Debian system but here you go:

ii  libqt3c102-mt-mysql 3.3.4-3        MySQL database driver for Qt3

and taking from your list:

> qt-MySQL-3.3.4-15.4

I think you need the MT version - apt-cache search shows 2 versions of
the same library:

libqt3c102-mysql - MySQL database driver for Qt3
libqt3c102-mt-mysql - MySQL database driver for Qt3 (Threaded)

Of course, you can't apply the Debian package names for FC - but I would
hazard a guess you need something like qt-MySQL-mt?  I can't have both
the above packages installed, I can only have one or the other.

Apologies if this doesn't apply for FC.

Cheers - Piers

Brian Fischer wrote:
> I followed Jarod's guide exactly as written using yum on my system, but
> there seems to be an issue with the updated SQL drivers on a clean install
> of FC4_64.  I had been reading different forums and it seems like this one
> can be fixed by installing qt-MySQL. It was installed in my environment
> though so I dont know what's wrong.  I was wondering what driver versions
> people are working with for MySQL and provide me with a few troubleshooting
> issues to get this issue resolved for everyone?  This issue is also being
> tracked in FedoraForum.org
> http://forums.fedoraforum.org/forum/showthread.php?t=90875
> My System
> ---------
> Gigabyte K8NS Pro
> AMD Athlon 64 3700+
> I installed MythTV Suite using yum. When running the mythtv-setup, I am
> getting the error below:
> QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL3 driver not loaded
> QSqlDatabase: available drivers:
> 2003-01-06 20:08:53.981 New DB connection, total: 1
> 2003-01-06 20:08:53.982 Unable to connect to database!
> 2003-01-06 20:08:53.982 No error type from QSqlError? Strange...
> 2003-01-06 20:08:53.983 Unable to connect to database!
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ rpm -qa | grep [sS][qQ][lL]
> mysqlclient10-3.23.58-6
> mod_auth_mysql-2.6.1-4
> qt-MySQL-3.3.4-15.4
> libdbi-dbd-mysql-0.7.1-3
> postgresql-libs-8.0.5-1.FC4.1
> sqlite-3.1.2-3
> cyrus-sasl-sql-2.1.20-5
> mysql-devel-4.1.16-1.FC4.1
> php-mysql-5.0.4-10.5
> perl-DBD-MySQL-2.9007-1
> python-sqlite-1.1.6-1
> mysql-server-4.1.16-1.FC4.1
> MySQL-python-1.2.0-1
> mysql-4.1.16-1.FC4.1
> mysql-4.1.16-1.FC4.1
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ rpm -qa | grep [qQ][tT]
> qt-3.3.4-15.4
> qt-MySQL-3.3.4-15.4
> qt-3.3.4-15.4
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ls -l /etc/ld.so.conf.d/
> total 32
> -rw-r--r--  1 root root 17 Apr  8  2005 mysqlclient10-x86_64.conf
> -rw-r--r--  1 root root 15 Dec 17 03:42 mysql-i386.conf
> -rw-r--r--  1 root root 17 Dec 17 03:41 mysql-x86_64.conf
> -rw-r--r--  1 root root 20 Sep 16 04:24 qt-i386.conf
> -rw-r--r--  1 root root 22 Sep 16 04:25 qt-x86_64.conf
> -rw-r--r--  1 root root 15 Sep 21 19:18 xorg-x11-i386.conf
> -rw-r--r--  1 root root 17 Sep 21 19:19 xorg-x11-x86_64.conf
> Anything im missing? Is there any specific step that i need to do to load
> that driver?
> Thanks,
> Brian
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