> On Monday 09 January 2006 11:26, Ray Lischner wrote:
>> On Monday 09 January 2006 04:35 am, Marius Schrecker wrote:
>> > What about staability? Are XFS and JFS equally resistant to
>> > corruption?
>> >
>> > I dont't have a UPS and at Christmas the frequent power outages
>> > (caused by extra heaters and simultaneous massive numbers of "cups of
>> > tea") made me very wary about running Myth.
>> If you don't have a UPS, use ext3. Or better, get one. A basic UPS costs
>> only a little bit more than a good surge suppressor:
>> http://zork.net/~nick/mail/why-reiserfs-is-teh-sukc
>> --
>> Ray Lischner
> Gotta give this a bumb, especially with so models under $50. If you don't
> get
> a lot of power outages you don't need a fancy one, but with all the random
> other power anomolies that can wreak havoc with a switched-mode power
> supply
> in a computer, it makes sense to have even a small one that will ride you
> through a few seconds of poorly delivered power.
> --
> Steve
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Wow! That link made good reading! Time to migrate from reiserfs AND get a

Does reiser4 make the same mistake?

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