My thoughts are that Samba sucks and NFS rocks.  "Why?" I hear you ask, well for no other reason than personal observation ... when transferring a file by NFS and also by SMB the NFS transfer always tends to take 30-40% less time.  I have never bothered to look into the technical reasons why as I prefer to avoid Samba and SMB and only use NFS as it is very easy to tune/configure when mounting i.e. rsize, wsize etc.  I am sure you could tune samba to perform the same as NFS but I have never looked into it.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 7:58 PM
Subject: [mythtv-users] NFS or SAMBA for Video Stream

I am running mythtv with a separate video server.  I currently have it connect with a smb share.  The only problem is a quick pause in movies every 5 minutes or so.  Not really a bother, but is a tweek to smb available or would nfs do better?

Chris Gardner

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