OK, so I have reloaded OS X and am currently installing MythFrontend 
0.18.1 from thesniderpad.com. This build includes some plugins, like 
MythVideo and MythDVD.

I have tried this build before, but always gave up on it because I could 
never figure out the player commands for the plugins.

Do any of you Myth-on-Mac folks  think you can help me out?
The first question is about mplayer.
Where do I get it?
DarwinPorts? Installing it now.
After that, what is the command that I put into Setup?
The default has never worked for me.

The second question is about xine in MythDVD.
I prefer it, because of the menu support.
Is anyone using it? If so, how?

Thanks for your help, everybody.

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