> Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 16:18:51 -0600
    > From: Kevin Kuphal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    > Common sense says that all applications accessing the DB should be shut 
    > down cleanly before shutting down the database.

Yes, that's exactly my take on it.  But before going to the effort
of making my ordering correct (trivial) or of trying to ensure that
Debian and/or Ubuntu packagers [once that situation is sorted out]
do it right (more work) or of trying to make sure that all the
other distros out there do it right (even more work), it'd be nice
to know if it's pointless :)  If the backend doesn't need to do any
cleanup before unexpectedly dying, it may be the case that it just
doesn't matter if the DB goes down first.  (Or maybe I'll just make
it correct for me, and if turns out to be a source of obscure bugs
for others, that'll motivate somebody else to fix it in distros.)

[It strikes me that, in distros that use S|Knn<name>-style inits,
it would actually make the most sense to run K scripts in -reverse-
alphabetical order, making it really easy to establish a stack order
(instead of FIFO order) for startups/shutdowns and thus get them
nested right without altering the two-digit priorities.  But even
if that turns out to be technically what everyone would want, there's
probably too big an installed base to ever consider changing it now.]
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