On Jan 10, 2006, at 7:50 PM, John Biundo wrote:

> Hi all.
> I've got mythtv starting up automatically upon boot (by running
> mythfrontend in user mythtv's .xsession).  No problem there.
> But when my wife/kids exit from the top menu by mistake (one too many
> exit button presses) they're left at the befuddling command prompt.
> After futzing with inittab to try to get this working, and googling
> around along a bunch of wild goose chases, I'm throwing my hands up  
> and
> beseeching the gurus how to do this.
> I'm running KDE.  Don't want to give it up (unless I absolutely  
> have to).
> Putting a line like: m7:2345:respawn:/bin/su - mythtv -c /usr/bin/ 
> startx
> in my /etc/inittab doesn't work.  When I test it, by exiting from
> mythtv, this method fails with a message about the user not being
> allowed to start the x server.  Which puzzles me because user  
> mythtv IS
> allowed to run startx, and the command line 'su -mythtv -c
> /usr/bin/startx' works fine when I'm logged in as root.
> What am I missing?  How do other people handle this?
> Thanks!
> cheers,
> john

You can have MythTV prompt you when you exit.
"Are you sure you want to exit?"
The default is NO and will send you back to the main menu.

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