On Jan 11, 2006, at 7:11 AM, Mark Rissberger wrote:

> Brad DerManouelian wrote:
>> On Jan 11, 2006, at 6:55 AM, Mark Rissberger wrote:
>>> Brad DerManouelian wrote:
>>>> On Jan 8, 2006, at 6:35 PM, Michael T. Dean wrote:
>>>>> Brad DerManouelian wrote:
>>>>>> On Jan 8, 2006, at 2:50 PM, Mark Rissberger wrote:
>>>>>>> I'm pretty sure that they are all encrypted.  Even if they were
>>>>>>> encrypted, they should still mount, right?  The only problem
>>>>>>> would  be playing them.  How does everyone else have their DVD
>>>>>>> drives  setup (in /etc/fstab and Myth)?
>>>>>> /dev/hda                /media/cdrom            auto,iso9660
>>>>>> pamconsole,exec,noauto 0 0
>>>>>> /dev/hdb                /media/cdrecorder      auto
>>>>>> pamconsole,exec,noauto 0 0
>>>>>> hda is my DVD-ROM and hdb is my CD-RW drive. I remember playing
>>>>>> with  these settings a bit until I got it to work how I wanted. I
>>>>>> don't  know if iso9660 is necessary but once it started  
>>>>>> working, I
>>>>>> stopped  messing with it.
>>>>> This looks much better than the one in your original post  
>>>>> ( http://
>>>>> www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/171962#171962 ),  
>>>>> which--
>>>>> strangely enough--shows hdc as your CD-ROM.
>>>>> Mike
>>>> That was someone else's post. I was just posting mine since he  
>>>> asked
>>>> how other people set up their fstab file. Since mine works for  
>>>> me, I
>>>> posted it.
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
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>>> Brad,
>>>   I'll try mounting it your way.  Does the 'auto' setting cause any
>>> issues with ejecting easily though?
>>> Thanks for the help,
>>> Mark
>> Not at all. auto refers to the file system type. noauto (as in
>> pamconsole,exec,noauto) refers to not letting kde autorun anything
>> once the disc is inserted. At least that's what I gathered from
>> playing with the settings.
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> alrighty then.  I guess I was a bit confused by that.  Especially  
> since
> my 'noauto' was definitely not having an effect on kde autorunning or
> not.  I was still continuously getting the File Manager auto  
> popping up
> until I deleted '.kde/Autostart/Autorun.desktop'.
> I'll give your suggestion a shot later and let you know how it  
> turned out.
> Thanks again,
>     Mark

Of course I could just be making that up. It's been a while... I  
noticed that I don't have a .kde/Autostart/Autorun.desktop file so  
that very well could have something to do with it. Thinking about it  
deeper, noauto might have something to do with LVM? I used to have an  
issue booting with a DVD in the drive until I added noauto. (On boot  
LVM would sit there looking at my DVD forever until I ejected it)

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