Sean Cier wrote:

>I'm wondering if anybody's successfully set up a Fedora-based diskless 
>frontend booting over the network.  I'm trying to get an ATRPMS-based 
>(pretty much Jarod's-guide-style) FC4 machine booting up over the net and 
>mounting the root read/write over NFS -- not because I don't have a spare 
>drive, but because it's in an environment which has already killed one drive 
>because of heat issues.  I've gotten it booting over PXE, retrieving the 
>kernel (via DHCP, TFTP, and PXELinux), and booting *that* -- actually, that 
>part was surprisingly easy -- but I can't get it to the point of 
>NFS-mounting the root drive.  I've tried playing with DHCP and pxelinux.cfg 
I played with this at FC2 and FC3 and I needed to recompile the kernel 
to enable NFS root support (NFS had to be builtin not modular) and 
Kernel level IP config.

 From my notes it looks like these are mainly what I played with:

Kernel level IP configuration (CONFIG_IP_PNP_ENABLE plus CONFIG_IP_PNP_DHCP)

But check - my notes are OLD - have a look in the current config screens 
/ file and check the kernel docs where appropriate.

Hope it helps.

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