On Thursday 12 January 2006 09:01, David Bennett wrote:
> Yeechang and everyone else who has been so helpful,
>  I must admit I am quite fascinated by the Raid and NAS discussions,
> but given that I ran into the same problem of being unable to record
> two programs at once on my software RAID, I am grateful for Yeechang
> to try and help steer things back towards my original question.
> Quick summary: When on a software RAID two programs cannot be recorded
> when they start at the same time. The second program (always starting
> 0.3 seconds after the first) does not record and ends up as a 0 byte
> file. This only happens when the video/recordings is on my software
> raid. (this is key. i can switch over to another non raided hard drive
> and have no problems doing the exact same thing!)
> I an running linux kernel 2.6, 512mb, celeron (fairly fast but a
> celeron nonetheless). I am using 2 drives in Raid 1 (had same trouble
> with Raid 5 though) and am using a Sata IDE extender to add sata ports
> (but this is probably irrelevant as I had the problem before I
> installed this.) Some people have suggested that the celeron might be
> the problem, but is this possible?
> No errors on dmesg, and no errors on mythbackend.log until I try and
> see the recorded programs on mythweb. Memory is full (as always... is
> this normal?) but the Swap is empty (only 1%). Top doesnt show
> Mythbackend anywhere near the top.
> Here is what my log shows:
> 2006-01-12 20:59:02.889 Started recording "けものみち" on channel: 4 on cardid:
> 1, sourceid 1
> 2006-01-12 20:59:03.029 New DB connection, total: 4
> 2006-01-12 20:59:03.033 New DB connection, total: 5
> 2006-01-12 20:59:03.043 scheduler: Last message repeated 7 times
> 2006-01-12 20:59:03.060 scheduler: Schedule Change
> 2006-01-12 20:59:03.078 Started recording "白夜行" on channel: 6 on cardid: 2,
> s ourceid 1
> QMetaObjectCleanUp::setMetaObject: Double use of QMetaObjectCleanUp!
> 2006-01-12 20:59:03.875 Changing from None to RecordingOnly
> 2006-01-12 20:59:03.877 Changing from None to RecordingOnly
> 2006-01-12 22:09:00.037 Finished recording けものみち on channel: 4
> the 2nd program's video file is 0 byte file size. (and the 2nd program
> always does not seem to work.)
> Suggestions so far:
> celeron cant handle it (cache issues) --- a possibility?
> memory -- not sure myself
> drive spinning - maybe the drives are spinning down. this is also
> possible but as they are sata i cant seem to change them with hdparm.
> So much frustration!!
> arg,.... any ideas? raid caching or the likes? (<-- i made that up!)
> thank you kindly
> david
> ps. yeechan -> i am quite excited to hear how your ReadyNAS handles!

As a test I just set two HD shows to record, both began at the same time and 
both are being written to my RAID5 array. this is with MythTV SVN though.

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