On Thursday 12 January 2006 12:19, Adam Propeck wrote:
> Has anyone ever played with Xorg 6.9 at all? I recently compiled it from
> CVS and am having trouble getting the same modelines and resolutions to
> work as before. It keeps trying to send my projector into a REALLY high
> clock rate and I'm worried I'll damage the thing if I'm not careful. Any
> idea what I should be checking? It keeps trying to goto 1280x1024 even
> though I'm specifying 1280x720 and 1024x768. Thanks, -Adam

I had it running on my Debian Stable + Backports install before I installed my 
new system drive. Seemed to work fine for me. Did you limit the clock rate it 
can use in your Monitor section with the lines that look like
        HorizSync       15 - 46
        VertRefresh     59 - 61

Check what your projector's rates are and put them in there, X should pay 
attention to them, or it will use what it gets from the devices EDID if you 
have that working.

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