I haven't looked at the source of what's in SVN (I only have .18.1 on  
my local machine), and I only recently joined the mailing list, so  
forgive me if I'm restating what's already been said, but it would be  
nice if ALL of the styling was done in CSS and only the content and  
structure (div's, h1's, etc.) was in the HTML. This would make it  
very easy to create new and drastically different mythweb themes  
without touching the HTML/PHP at all, except to assign different  
stylesheets to the page. Of course you may still have to create two  
versions of the HTML/PHP page -- one with AJAX, one without.

If you're not familiar, take a look at:

This is an example of what can be done with CSS -- clicking any of  
the other styles changes only the CSS, not the HTML.

On Jan 12, 2006, at 8:48 AM, Chris Petersen wrote:

>> His name is Mathias and I have been  in contact with him regarding
>> DVB-T in sweden. I will contact him if he want to publish the  
>> theme to
>> the public
> The svn version of mythweb has been designed specifically to make  
> skins
> easier to write/use.  It's nowhere near perfect yet (since there's  
> still
> a lot of code that needs to be made more css-friendly), but I'm hoping
> that it's a step in the right direction.
> I'd like to move away from the idea of changing themes to change the
> look.  My long term goal is to end up with two usable themes for  
> MythWeb
> -- standard full-javascript and a light/compact theme for people who 
> don't like javascript or use text-only browsers (any other themes  
> would
> be specialty ones like wml or wap).
> I totally welcome people to contribute new skins, but since much of  
> this
> will be in a state of flux for awhile, I ask that skin authors be  
> aware
> that if they don't keep up with the changes, I'll disable the skin.
> fyi, I'm also in the middle of redesigning the main theme/skin to make
> it a little more user friendly.
> -Chris
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